Project A

March 9, 2010

“There’s a perfectly good reason for everything I do.”

What’s a Project A?

I’ve decided it might actually be beneficial to start thinking about the upcoming Project A.

To be truthful, ever since first seeing it in the unit outline I knew I was going to curate an online exhibition. All the more room for me to expose myself and do a bit of self promotion because we all know that I’m shameless. (Or at least I know that…)

I’ve also decided that instead of driving myself crazy and actually making a website I’m just going to attack another WordPress blog and curate it that way, chuck in a few categories and whatnot.

So, that’s how far my planning has reached in regards to the project, but now (and it’s probably because I’m tired, sick and hungry) I’ve started to really think about what I want in it, how I want to present it and just what exactly do I want to present. I estimate that at the rate I’m going I might have the project finished by 2016, so that’s my goal anyway.

Now, specifics…

Specifically it’s going to be photography, mine of course (see shameless!), and perhaps lighten it up with some poetry here and there. It’s basically just going to be a way for me to further express myself and gain attention from the cyber-world but hey, we’ve all got to have some attention don’t we?

If you can’t tell, I am horribly tired, sick and hungry when writing this so it possibly makes completely no sense and lacks all of my usual talent when it comes to writing but you can’t always choose when inspiration hits (or determination to actually do something worthwhile).

So this is my inspiration:

An online photographic exhibition.

A series of collections. (Though I don’t know which ones yet).

Pretty photographs.


Aside from being choked a little by my belt I find it sad to say that I’ve actually run out of things to talk about with you very attentive public. I might have to actually sleep and see if that helps my cause. If it doesn’t, well, we might just find this blogpost mysteriously disappears with absolutely no reason why.

That’s the price you pay for having a ‘delete’ button, but if we didn’t have it then we’d be complaining like all hell.

I might also so that Paul Dempsey is awesome.

So despite all my random ramblings, there was actually a point to this blog and that point was about Project A and my vain attempts at motivation in regards to it.

Hope I was entertaining (as always).

– Cal.

“That reason is: Because I want to.”