Website Rationale

April 7, 2010

Re-uploading because for some reason it didn’t work before. My bad.


For Project A I chose to curate an online exhibition, such as I have talked about in a previous post <a href=”“> Briefing-Draft</a> so for the rationale I decided to further extend upon some of the points that I illustrated before.

Short of the technical processes used to create this online exhibition, <a href=”“> Girl Vs. Art </a>, I found it to be most taxing in the creative pursuit of the website. My first idea was to use a more basic designed layout for the exhibition, hoping to enhance the affect of the photographs that I wanted to display. As I was creating ther website though I found myself focusing more on the social view of the photographs that I had taken in previous years. Such photographs were created for commercial appeal and distribution but I found the cultural integrity of the pieces too constricted by a basic layout and thus decided on a more illustrative layout, giving a brief idea about the website and the type of photography that may be displayed.

As for the social integrity of the photographs, I wanted the design of the website to further instigate the idea of daily life and how the beauty of it is often overlooked for more magnificent, rendered views of the world. I believe that the layout I chose helps to illustrate the idea of simplistic beauty that I have tried to reproduce in my photographs.

The technical process of building the website was rather basic and simplistic in itself, which I found more complicated than could be warranted. Although it was easier to use and more constructive I found certain constraints of the layout and templating to decrease my satisfaction with the overall product of the website. In terms of technical support wherein the layouts, I found, as I have been familiar with WordPress before, that they could be altered rather well without affecting the overall scheme of the layout though it requires a lot more time than first thought.

The technical and design aspects of the website came together rather well in accomplishing my goal with the exhibit. Even though I am not completely satisfied with the website I cannot deny that with the easy and accessibility of WordPress it was most likely my best choice compared to HTML & CSS or Dreamweaver.

I also thought to take into the account the skills and knowledge of the consumers of the online exhibit. I wanted it to be easily navigatable and able to display the most recent information or photographs first. WordPress allowed all of these such things in a way that even someone inexperienced with blogs and/or online exhibitions in general would find it quite comfortable and not intimidating to navigate the website and access all necessary information.

Considering the value of the online exhibition and the few peer reactions, I think I accomplished it well. I believe that the exhibition actively portrays the image of real-world beauty and that the design and technical aspects also add to this theme.

All in all, I first and foremost chose the online exhibition due to the level of freedom supplied with in it and the creative options I was provided with.

Lecture Free

April 1, 2010

“In a world where everything makes sense, everything is either boring or brilliant.”

Say hello to HTML, XML and CSS.

I’ve missed HTML. I really have.

My past experience with anything HTML was back about two or three years ago when I was designing page layouts for people using uncredited images, song lyrics and designs.

I’m thinking I’ve grown up since then.

Fresher course:

HTML = Hyper-Text Markup Language

XML = Extensible Markup Language

CSS = Cascading Styles Sheet

Now since I had had some experience with these three “things” in my past it was kind of odd to be taught about them again but anyway, it was quite nice to have a re-fresher course  in such things considering I’m going to be designing a webpage at some point in the near future.

I’m finding I can’t say much about this topic, but I will say this: I had a lot of fun playing with it again. It’s odd for something that I used to do for fun has now become part of my education but I guess that happens alot when you’re studying something you’re interested in.

I will also say this: my internet has been screwing with my lately. I have no idea why, I’m not very good with electronics, or rather, some points of electronics, i.e. finding out why my internet keeps disconnecting randomly without any real reason.

But then again, electronics can be just as temperamental as humans at times so it is understandable.

So this is a very short blog, but what else can I say?

I enjoy HTML. CSS kind of annoys me because I used to do all my styling in HTML, but I’m learning, I swear I am.

– Cal.

“It only points to reason why everything is boring then.”